Michele Valeri helped to create the Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning through the Institute's Performing Arts program.

As a master artist with the Wolf Trap Institute, she has traveled all over the country doing residencies, teacher training and family workshops.

The workshops promote the use of performing arts in early childhood education since the Institute’s inception in 1981.

Workshop participants respond to Michele’s Workshops

"Great!  Inspiring!  And with the hearts of children at the root!"

"This workshop was the best that I have attended yet!  4 chilies!"

"Truly outstanding presenter!  She's fabulous!  Knowledgeable, creative, highly talented!"

"Great ideas you can use anywhere and anytime at work and at home. Loved it."

Workshop: Ready, Set, Let’s Play!

                                                              Michele Valeri and Ingrid Crepeau have presented

                                                              their work at Early Childhood conferences all over

                                                              the country, including the annual NAEYC national

                                                              conferences. They are constantly working with

                                                              teachers and children in the classroom, doing

                                                              residencies on integrating puppetry, music and song

                                                              writing into the daily routine of preschool.   


                                                              In this workshop Ingrid will give everyone an

                                                              “Anything” puppet to keep.   She’ll involve the

                                                              audience in an interactive demonstration on how to bring a puppet to life. For her part Michele will lead the audience in singing new songs she has written from her CD “Little Ditties for Itty Bitties: Songs for Infants and Toddlers”  Ingrid and Michele know their techniques work; and want to share their enthusiasm for using performing arts with infants and toddlers with you, their teachers and caregivers. So Get Ready! Get Set!  Let’s Play!

Ready, Set, Let’s Play:Teacher & Caregiver Training

Keynote: Ready, Set, Imagine! 

In this keynote Ingrid Crepeau, two-time Emmy winning puppeteer, and Michele Valeri, Grammy nominated musician, will offer practical applications of their art forms for use with preschoolers and with infants and toddlers.

They relate stories of their own experiences with teachers and children they have shared their art forms with over the years. So Get Ready! Get Set!  Let’s play together!  This keynote is inter-active and intergenerational.